Who are Niya-exotics.com?

Home | Exotic kitten for sale in USA Home | Exotic kitten for sale in USA, http://Niya-exotics.com, www.Niya-exotics.com Email used: NOT KNOWN, Please add to comments below Phone number used: -277-8972 Names used: NOT KNOWN, Please add to comments below Physical address used*: NOT KNOWN, Please add to comments below *Scammers use a physical address to appear more legitimate. The address will have no connection to the actual scam as they will be an innocent third  party Niya-exotics.com are criminals. Their goal is to steal your money. They will lie, they will tell you sob stories, they will send you pictures of kittens which they have found online, they will assure you of their faith and religion – anything to get your money! These scammers offer huge discounts that no actual savannah kitten breeder would ever offer.If you see an offer that is too good to be true, it probably is. After you have paid the (hugely discounted) initial fee for the kitten you will be introduced to the “shipping company”. The Scam Delivery company is simply another website created by the scammer to charge you even more fees for everything from delivery, an air conditioned travel crate, medical insurance for your kitten and even ask you to pay for premium pet food for your kitten! To see some of these scam delivery companies have a look at Scam Shipping Company. To see more scam websites involving savannah kittens have a look at Savannah Kitten Scams.


Pet Scammer List Website:
This screenshot was taken on February 5, 2021
Click to view Website

Who registered Niya-exotics.com?

Niya-exotics.com was registered on January 31, 2021 with NAMECHEAP INC . It was registered using the following details:
Name:WhoisGuard Protected ([email protected])
Address:P.O. Box 0823-03411, Panama, Panama, Panama
These details are correct as of today (February 5, 2021) but the name and address could possibly belong to an innocent third party if the domain was registered using a stolen credit card. Niya-exotics.com was registered using the email address [email protected]. It was registered 5 days ago. on January 31, 2021  and expires January 31, 2022. To look at it another way, this “company” only started January 31, 2021 and does not plan to be using the website after January 31, 2022 as it has only a 1 year registration. Would you trust these people enough to pay them money?

How can I shut down down a website?

Niya-exotics.com was registered with the domain registrar NAMECHEAP INC. NAMECHEAP INC have an email especially for domains that break their terms and conditions. Setting up a website with the sole intention of stealing money is definitely against NAMECHEAP INCs Terms and Conditions! To send an abuse report to NAMECHEAP INC please click the red button below and complete the email to help shut down Niya-exotics.com!
File Abuse Report
If you have any further information please post it in the comments section below. We are particularly interested in names, email address and phone numbers used by these scammers.

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