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Puppy Scammer List

27,630   reports for 17">Puppy Scammer List scams
Puppy Scammer List [year]

What is a Pet Scam Website ?

All scams on the puppy scammer list typically involves ads for non-existent puppies being placed in newspapers and online classifieds at suspiciously low prices. The ‘seller’ provides interested buyers with pictures of an adorable pet. They will often create a Pet Scam Website in order to give themselves an air of authenticity. They then trick you, the buyer,  into paying fees for transport, customs or medical costs before the dog can be delivered. Once the payment is made they will continue demanding more and more money for fees for a nonexistent pet.

How these scams work

You visit a reputable newspaper or online classifieds website. Scammers will post an ad offering a pedigree pet for a really cheap price or sometimes even free. The ad may include a picture of a very cute kitten or puppy and claim that it is registered and has been ‘lovingly raised’.
If you wish to buy the pet, the ‘seller’ will often claim that they have moved interstate or overseas and that you will need to pay for transport or medical costs before the pet can be delivered. The ‘seller’ asks for payment to be made via money transfer.

What happens if you pay?

If you pay, you will never receive the pet or see your money again.
If the scammer claims that the pet is overseas, they will use a “Pet Delivery” company like these. They may then pretend that non-delivery is due to customs or quarantine issues, and that further payment is due before the pet will be released. Again, any further money sent will be lost and the pet will never be delivered.

To see a full description of how these scams work see our article on how a puppy scam works.

Below is Puppy Scammer List [year]. We now have over 30,000 fraudulent pet websites listed in our directory:

2 Min Read
0 2 might have the cutest pictures of Rottweilers, but don’t let them fool you, they are all scams. Remember, a little bit of caution can go a long way in protecting you and your future furry companion.

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Be cautious of, they use photos of cute Persians to manipulate your emotions and deceive you into paying for unnecessary expenses such as pet food, insurance, and veterinary bills. It is a scam operation, so always do your research and be vigilant when looking to buy a Persian online.

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Be wary of, they use pictures of adorable Bulldogs to manipulate your emotions and trick you into paying for unnecessary expenses such as puppy food, insurance, and veterinary bills. This website is a scam operation, so always do your research and be cautious when looking to buy a puppy online.