Who are Firstclasslabradoodles.com?
Home – FIRST CLASS LABRADOODLES Home – FIRST CLASS LABRADOODLES, http://Firstclasslabradoodles.com, www.Firstclasslabradoodles.com Email used: [email protected] Phone number used: NOT KNOWN, Please add to comments below Names used: NOT KNOWN, Please add to comments below Physical address used*: NOT KNOWN, Please add to comments below *Scammers use a physical address to appear more legitimate. The address will have no connection to the actual scam as they will be an innocent third party Firstclasslabradoodles.com is not a puppy breeders website and this is not a review of Firstclasslabradoodles.com. This is a warning. They claims to sell puppys but the domain was actually created by criminals in order to defraud people wanting to buy a labradoodle. Once you express interest in buying one of the puppys the scammer will send you a template email telling you a lot of details about the puppy as well as information on the best puppy food to use, and how you should take care of your new puppy. They will even send you “proof” by showing you pictures they have stolen off the internet of labradoodle puppys. Firstclasslabradoodles.com will claim to deliver the puppy using a Fraudulent Delivery company. The “delivery company” is actually another scam website they set up in order to steal your money by charging for non existent delivery, an air conditioned travel crate, medical insurance for your puppy as well as multiple other fees. To see more scam websites involving labradoodle puppy have a look at Labradoodle Puppy Scams.ScreenShot
This screenshot was taken on July 3, 2021
Click to view WebsiteWho registered Firstclasslabradoodles.com?
Firstclasslabradoodles.com was registered on June 1, 2021 with LIQUIDNET Ltd. . It was registered using the following details:
How can I shut down down a website?
Firstclasslabradoodles.com was registered with the domain registrar LIQUIDNET Ltd.. LIQUIDNET Ltd. have an email especially for domains that break their terms and conditions. Setting up a website with the sole intention of stealing money is definitely against LIQUIDNET Ltd.s Terms and Conditions! To send an abuse report to LIQUIDNET Ltd. please click the red button below and complete the email to help shut down Firstclasslabradoodles.com! File an Abuse ReportIf you have any further information please post it in the comments section below. We are particularly interested in names, email address and phone numbers used by these scammers.