If an offer for purebred Australian Shepherds at bargain prices seems too good to be true, it’s likely a scam. This is especially true if the offer is associated with the website Aussiepawsandtails.com.
Search results for: "Lithuania"
Kingsfreightdelivery.com use the email [email protected].
Deliveryaircourierr.com use the email [email protected] and the phone numbers +447424943147.
Logicairdelivery.net use the email [email protected] and [email protected] and the phone numbers +13477973908.
Fastlinkexpressdip.com use the email [email protected] and the phone numbers +447466520894 and +16093466995.
Deliveryxpressworld.com use the email [email protected] and the phone numbers 2001 – 2025.
Excessiveexpresslogistic.com use the email [email protected].
Be careful when you see an offer for purebred yorkshire terriers at prices that seem too good to be true. It’s likely that it’s a scam and you should stay away from it. If the offer is associated with the website Micropupsshop.com, it’s definitely a scam, so be extra cautious! Remember, when in doubt, trust your gut and don’t be afraid to walk away from a suspicious offer.
Swiftdisposalservice.com use the email [email protected].
Royalbestpets.com use the email [email protected] and the phone numbers +16782718067 and +1(678)-271-8067.
Happybichonfrise.com use the email [email protected] and the phone numbers +14305416078.
Canecorsopuppiesforadoption.shop use the email [email protected].
Airedaleterrierhome.com use the email [email protected].
Dintecshippingexpress.com use the phone numbers +19784812435.
Daschnundadopt.shop use the email [email protected] and [email protected].