If an offer for purebred Poodles at bargain prices seems too good to be true, it’s likely a scam. This is especially true if the offer is associated with the website Poddlepuppyforsale.com.
Search results for: "Adorable puppy for adoption 3"
“FREE puppy! Just pay for shipping” sounds too good to be true? Unfortunately, it likely is. Adorableaustraliashepherd.com is a scam operation that uses photos of Australian Shepherds from legitimate puppy breeders in their online advertisements.
Exoticteacuppuppiesforadoption.com use the email [email protected] and the phone numbers +1 (541) 210-5975.
Pugpuppiesadoptionforsale.com use the email [email protected] and [email protected] and [email protected].
Stanleyadorablepuppiesforsale.com use the email [email protected] and the phone numbers +1 (707) 504-8430.
Adorablepupsshelter.com use the email [email protected] and the phone numbers +1 (512) 368-9661.
Legitpuppybreeders.com may have adorable pictures of Beagless, but they are all scams. This is not a review, it is a warning to be cautious and not to be fooled by the pictures on their website.
Be cautious of Sheltiepuppiesforadoption.com’s “free Shelties, just pay for shipping” ads, it’s likely a scam using real puppys’ photos.
Puppyfusion.com use the email [email protected] and the phone numbers +91) 000 0000 and +91) 000 000 000 and +91) 000 000 0000.
Please note that this is not a review of Englishbulldogpuppiesforadoption.com. Unfortunately, they are a criminal organization that deceives people by falsely claiming to sell Bulldogss and stealing their money. So, always be cautious and do your research when looking to buy a Bulldogs online.
Rottweilerpuppiesforadoption.com use the email [email protected].
Toypoodlepuppiesforadoption.com use the email [email protected] and the phone numbers +61) 3 9028 2061.
Adorablefurpuppiesforadoption.com use the email [email protected] and the phone numbers +1(385)382-0108 and 84128–1130844587.
Cavapopupuppiesforadoption.com use the phone numbers (253) 293-5527.
Australianshepardpuppiesforadoption.com use the email [email protected] and [email protected] and the phone numbers +1 (562) 641-5236 and +1 (252) 678-5257.