Whitewags.com uses cute Terriers photos to scam you. Don’t be fooled, research before buying a Terrier online.
Search results for: "tewa"
If someone’s advertising a bargain on a purebred pet, it’s probably a scam. If they are linked to Gatewaycompanionpuppies.com then it IS a scam.
If someone’s advertising a bargain on a purebred pet, it’s probably a scam. If they are linked to Stewardyorkies.com then it IS a scam.
If someone’s advertising a bargain on a purebred pet, it’s probably a scam. If they are linked to Stewartcattery.com then it IS a scam.
Certified kennel, AKC registered, pedigree, health certified? None of the above. Sheldonanstewartpupskennel.com is just another pet scam.
Stewartspuppies.com has the cutest pictures and pets BUT they are all scams! This is not a review, it is a warning
Photos of cute pets to tug at your heart, and steal your money! This is not a review of Stewartpomeranianpuppies.com because Stewartpomeranianpuppies.com is a scam
Pet Scammers use Gatewayshippingexpressagency.com in order to make it appear you are receiving your pet. Then they charge you even more money!
Expressgatewaylogistics.com is not a delivery company. It is a website created by scammers to charge you fees like premium pet insurance.
Certified kennel, AKC registered, pedigree, health certified? None of the above. Gatewayminidachshundpuppies.com is just another pet scam.
Violettewaggingpals.com has the cutest pictures and pets BUT they are all scams! This is not a review, it is a warning
Shipping a pet with Gatewaypettransport.com? This is a pet scam created to charge you fees for pet shipping and animal insurance plans.
Shipping a pet with Petgatewayexpress.com? This is a pet scam created to charge you fees for pet shipping and animal insurance plans.
Be careful when buying pets online. Gatewaytailstravel.us is a scam courier company which charges you thousands without sending you your pet.
Please help shut this guy down. He already scammed a friend with shipping, he now has another person on the hook!