Westcoastbasset.com uses cute Basset Hounds photos to scam you. Don’t be fooled, research before buying a Basset Hound online.
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Be cautious of offers for purebred Terriers at low prices, especially if associated with website Caramelwesthighlandterrier.com, as it is a scam.
Bluestaffordshirebullterrierpuppieshome.com use the email [email protected].
Uspostalmails.com use the email [email protected] and the phone numbers +1 501 726-8079.
Southcreastminiaturehighlands.com use the email [email protected].
Maeandrlogistics.com use the email [email protected] and [email protected] and the phone numbers 897 876 875 8754 865 and (876) 786 654 654 7.
Be cautious of offers for purebred RagDolls at low prices, especially if associated with website Happykittenest.com, as it is a scam.
Guaranteelogisticservices.com use the email [email protected] and [email protected] and the phone numbers +1 2136097601 and +44 20 8895 2479.
Fastlaneglobalshipping.com use the email [email protected] and the phone numbers +48 732 085 196.
Be wary of Raphaustindachshunds.com, they use pictures of adorable Dachshunds to manipulate your emotions and trick you into paying for unnecessary expenses such as puppy food, insurance, and veterinary bills. This website is a scam operation, so always do your research and be cautious when looking to buy a puppy online.
Fastlinkexpressdip.com use the email [email protected] and the phone numbers +447466520894 and +16093466995.
Arabianshippingandlogistics.com use the email [email protected].
Generallogisticssystem.com use the phone numbers +1 (667) 55 345 66.
Starlightpetsrelocation.com use the email [email protected].