Homeyoursibkitty.com uses cute MaineCoonss photos to scam you. Don’t be fooled, research before buying a MaineCoons online.
Search results for: "Kitty hom"
Kittyhome.co.za use the email [email protected] and the phone numbers 68 778 7568 and +27 68 778 7568.
Photos of cute pets to tug at your heart, and steal your money! This is not a review of Foryiragdollkittyhome.com because Foryiragdollkittyhome.com is a scam
Scotthomekitty.com has the cutest pictures and pets BUT they are all scams! This is not a review, it is a warning
This is NOT a review of Home4birmankitty.com. Home4birmankitty.com is part of a criminal organisation which steals money by falsly claiming to sell pets.
Be careful when you see an offer for purebred Kittenss at prices that seem too good to be true. It’s likely that it’s a scam and you should stay away from it. If the offer is associated with the website Homeyourmaincoons.com, it’s definitely a scam, so be extra cautious! Remember, when in doubt, trust your gut and don’t be afraid to walk away from a suspicious offer.
Purebred Munchkins at bargin prices? It’s probably a scam. If they are linked to Allforonehomes.com then it IS a scam.
Adoptmainecoonkittys.com use the email [email protected].
Be wary of Lisakittycoons.com, they use pictures of adorable MaineCoonss to manipulate your emotions and trick you into paying for unnecessary expenses such as kitten food, insurance, and veterinary bills. This website is a scam operation, so always do your research and be cautious when looking to buy a kitten online.
Mainecoonkittyworld.com use the email [email protected] and the phone numbers (770) 737-7085.
Kingbritishshorthairkittieshome.com use the email [email protected].
Kittyranches.com use the email [email protected] and the phone numbers +1 587 437 9165.