Purebred Samoyeds at bargin prices? It’s probably a scam. If they are linked to Excellentsamoyedpuppies.com then it IS a scam.
Search results for: "Elle"
Michellecanecorso.com use the email [email protected] and the phone numbers +1 (201) 841-1622.
Kamebellebritishshorthaircattery.com’s cute puppy pictures are all scams. Beware and do your research before buying a puppy online.
Bellesteacupchihuahua.com use the email [email protected] and the phone numbers +1 (303) 900-3420.
Gabrielledachshundbreed.com may have adorable pictures of Dachshunds, but they are all scams. This is not a review, it is a warning to be cautious and not to be fooled by the pictures on their website.
Michelleminidachshunds.online use the email [email protected] and the phone numbers +15302768526.
Puppiesseller.com use the email [email protected] and the phone numbers (747)322 0927 and +1 747-322-0927.
Wittenkellerhuskypuppies.com use the email [email protected].
Purebred GoldenDoodless at bargin prices? It’s probably a scam. If they are linked to Excellentgreyhounds.com then it IS a scam.
Kellenburgslabradorshome.com’s cute puppy pictures are all scams. Beware and do your research before buying a puppy online.
Certified kennel, AKC registered, pedigree, health certified? None of the above. Bellesmonkeyhome.com is just another Marmosets monkey scam.
Purebred YorkshireTerrierss at bargin prices? It’s probably a scam. If they are linked to Michellepuppieshome.com then it IS a scam.
Purebred AustralianShepherdss at bargin prices? It’s probably a scam. If they are linked to Elleganceaussie.com then it IS a scam.
Kellersdachshundhome.com use the email [email protected].
Janellemaltipoodogs.com use the email [email protected].