Who are Outstandingmastiffhome.com?
Welcome | Outstanding Mastiff Home Welcome | Outstanding Mastiff Home, http://Outstandingmastiffhome.com, www.Outstandingmastiffhome.com Email used: [email protected] Phone number used: -392-3929 Names used: NOT KNOWN, Please add to comments below Physical address used*: NOT KNOWN, Please add to comments below *Scammers use a physical address to appear more legitimate. The address will have no connection to the actual scam as they will be an innocent third party Outstandingmastiffhome.com are advertising puppys for sale online. They use stolen credit cards and invent identities to defraud people shopping for a tibetan mastiff puppy online. In the first email, the scammer will ask all the right questions, putting you through the motions to prove your suitability: how would we care for our puppy, how would we train him, how often would he be alone? Then the fraudsters emails will get shorter and normally keep to sms messages. This is because the first email is a template where as you are now dealing with the actual scammer. The “Scam Breeder” will ignore any questions about their affiliation with any clubs or organisations, and questions about the puppy’s parents. The main focus now is convincing you to pay as soon as possible. The puppy will be shipped to you by the scammers perferred delivery company. There is no other option. If you insist on picking up your new tibetan mastiff they will eventually agree. It makes no difference to them if you travel for 4 hours because they are not at the address they claim to be. Outstandingmastiffhome.com will claim to deliver the puppy using a Fraudulent Delivery company which is actually another scam website they set up in order to steal your money by charging for non existent delivery, a air conditioned travel crate, medical insurance for your puppy as well as multiple other fees. To see more scam websites involving tibetan mastiff puppys have a look at Tibetan Mastiff Puppy Scams.ScreenShot
This screenshot was taken on July 11, 2021
Click to view WebsiteWho registered Outstandingmastiffhome.com?
Outstandingmastiffhome.com was registered on June 29, 2021 with NAMECHEAP INC . It was registered using the following details:
Name: | Withheld for Privacy Purposes ([email protected]) |
Address: | Kalkofnsvegur 2, Reykjavik, Capital Region, 101, Iceland |
How can I shut down down a website?
Outstandingmastiffhome.com was registered with the domain registrar NAMECHEAP INC. NAMECHEAP INC have an email especially for domains that break their terms and conditions. Setting up a website with the sole intention of stealing money is definitely against NAMECHEAP INCs Terms and Conditions! To send an abuse report to NAMECHEAP INC please click the red button below and complete the email to help shut down Outstandingmastiffhome.com! File an Abuse ReportIf you have any further information please post it in the comments section below. We are particularly interested in names, email address and phone numbers used by these scammers.